Dues Questions

BATES PTE:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

CPEA:  The Union Difference ||  Welcome to your Union

ESPCP:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

SCEA:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

SEA:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

UPCA:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

UPEA:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

UPOP:  The Union Difference || Welcome to your Union

ESP Membership Pays Off

WEA Professional Development Classes 

NEA Member Benefits & Watch the Video

Educator Liability Insurance (Student teachers
need this insurance liability and can obtain WEA membership
at a minimal cost)  Email soundview @ washingtonea.org
to receive a copy of the policy

5 Ways We Stand Together





  1. How are union dues determined?
    Base union dues are determined by your FTE for certificated and by your salary for classified. Most certificated employees are full-time, which is .76-1.0 FTE. Remember, dues are distributed not only to your local union, but also to the Washington Education Association, National Education Association and the Soundview UniServ Council.

  2. What is the $1.00 community outreach?
    Community Outreach was voted in years ago by the WEA Representative Assembly delegates who are elected each year to make policy for the WEA. Outreach is designed to engage and inform the community about matters that affect education. At Soundview half of the funds are used to help with Caring for Kids (www.carekids.org ), a charity supporting students in our districts who are on free or reduced lunch. The other half is used to support community activities. The outreach funds are approved by Soundview UniServ Executive Committee members.


  3. Please explain the local dues.
    These dues help to pay for some of the office operating expenses, rental space, supplies, local communications, meeting expenses, president and executive board expenses, training and bargaining expenses, release time local presidents, and release as needed for other executive board members, bargainers, activists, and volunteers.

  4. What are (Soundview UniServ) Council Dues?
    The Soundview Council is the body representing seven union locals in our three districts (Clover Park, Steilacoom and University Place). We coordinate and work with 21 other WEA UniServ offices in the state to put the goals of the members of the WEA and NEA into place. Our Soundview Council represents over 2,500 certificated and classified members.

    Council Dues pay for our half-time release Council President, all who assist in overseeing the organizing, bargaining, grievance, training, membership maintenance, labor management, accounting and all activities of the WEA. Dues for the Council also pay for the UniServ staff, the largest percentage of the office lease, utilities, insurances, furniture and equipment, anything to do with communications, auditor expenses, and training costs for both leaders and members, to name a few.

A penny by penny breakdown of WEA and NEA dues can be found here.